Mit KI Prozesse in Großhandel & Vertrieb automatisieren
Großhandels- und Vertriebsunternehmen müssen mit hohen Volumina an Kundenaufträgen, Auftragsbestätigungen und komplexen Compliance-Anforderungen umgehen.
Werden Sie zum Vorreiter in Ihrer Branche und sichern Sie sich einen Wettbewerbsvorteil durch Kosteneffizienz, indem Sie unsere KI Ihre Verwaltungsarbeit übernehmen lassen. Die KI-Lösungen von turian automatisieren administrative Kernprozesse und sorgen so für kürzere Order-to-Cash-Zyklen und stärkere Kundenbindung.

Automatisierung des Order Managements

Zusammenarbeit mit Lieferanten vereinfachen

Regulatorische Anforderungen 10x schneller erfüllen

Personalisierte Kundenkommunikation
Verbessern Sie das Kundenerlebnis

Request for Quotations (RFQs)
Schneller auf Kundenanfragen reagieren
Sales Order Management
Speed up Sales Order Entry, Quote Generation, Payment Processing, and Many More
Automate sales order management by extracting data from customer emails and documents and autonomously creating orders in your ERP. Our AI Assistant processes your incoming orders, generates quotes automatically, checks invoicing, and updates your ERP system instantly, allowing you to handle more transactions than ever before.
Purchase Order Automation
Simplify Supplier Interactions
Streamline purchase order processing with our AI-powered purchase order automation. Handle order confirmations, invoices, and exception management with 80% less effort. Extract essential details from supplier communications and update your systems automatically, reducing manual input and improving procurement efficiency.
Compliance Automation
Easily Meet Regulatory Requirements
Simplify compliance documentation and verification, ensuring adherence to industry standards without the administrative burden. Our AI analyzes and organizes compliance data (such as CSDDD, CBAM, or REACH/RoHS), so you can focus on expanding your business instead of drawing in compliance checklists.

Personalized Customer Communication
Enhance Customer Experience
Shorten your response times and enhance customer satisfaction with turian's AI Smart Reply feature. Our AI Assistant understands the business context and drafts intelligent responses for your customer communication. Use past interactions to customize your brand voice, fostering stronger relationships and driving repeat business.

Request for Quotations (RFQs)
Respond to Client RFQs Faster
When clients request a quotation from you, turian’s AI takes over, automatically extracting details from their request and instantly generating a tailored quotation. No need for manual data entry or complex calculations—our AI integrates with your ERP system to check stock, customer-level pricing, and delivery times, ensuring your responses are both fast and accurate.

We found that we were processing more orders and the team had more breathing space. The pressure eased, and they could get back to what they do best—providing excellent customer service.